We are a non-profit organization that contributes to more equal opportunities through our own projects.

This is us

Our team

Our team consists of people with different backgrounds and experiences. We not only speak different languages, but also have different skills. As a result, we always have a working atmosphere characterised by diversity, in which everyone contributes with a lot of motivation and initiative.

Our projects are also created in this environment. We believe that the diversity of our team reflects a cross-section of multicultural German society. 

Here you can find out who has which function in our team (random order):

Tami Goseberg

Location Coordination HamWatan

Ahmad Massieh Zare


Joanna Dylik

Vice Chairwoman

Jacqueline Knopp

Project Management HRD

Fardina Nabizada


Jonas Wetzel

Team Member

Elahe Zare

Team Member

Sina El Basiouni

Project Management beeMentor

Sheren Makiza

Team Member

Narwan Sayed

1. Chairwoman

Regional Coordination HamWatan

Promoting social justice​

Our reasons for our commitment are very diverse. For us, the focus is on equal opportunities and equal chances for all people. We stand up against discrimination and for the inviolability of human dignity.

Unsere Vision ist eine chancengleiche und chancengerechte Welt

bee4change wurde im Frühjahr 2015 von einer Gruppe von Student*innen in Hamburg gegründet, um neben Studium, Arbeit und Freizeit eigens konzipierte Projekte zu initiieren und damit einen persönlichen Beitrag zur Weiterentwicklung der Gesellschaft zu leisten.